Er was een interessant programma samengesteld met Nicholas Kahn en Gera van Duijvenvoorde als sprekers (korte CV treft u hieronder).
- Nicholas Khan has practised almost exclusively in the field of European law, both in private practice at the Bar in London and for many years as a member of the Legal Service of the European Commission. His experience covers a wide range of matters, including; sex discrimination, free movement of persons, the Brussels Regulation on jurisdiction, anti-dumping, State aid and competition. In recent years he has represented the Commission in many significant competition cases before the European Courts and in interventions before the English courts, including: Courage v. Crehan, the Seamless Tubes, Gas Insulated Switchgear, Power Cables and Air Freight cartels, MasterCard and the Interchange Fee damages appeals to the UK Supreme Court, Intel, the Google cases and the Illumina/Grail merger cases. He follows procedural matters particularly closely and is the author of the 6th Edition of Kerse and Khan, EU Anti-Trust Procedure. He was appointed a Queen’s Counsel in 2018.
- Gera van Duijvenvoorde is advocaat in dienstbetrekking/competition counsel bij KPN en bijzonder hoogleraar Telecommunicatierecht bij de Universiteit Leiden.