The Competition Law Association’s objects are to study competition law in the broadest sense. The Association focuses on the application of cartel law, merger control, the provisions on abuse of economic power, the application of competition law in (previously) regulated sectors, and state aid. The Association furthermore focuses on intellectual property law and unlawful competition. The Association’s activities relate to both Dutch and European law. Attention is regularly paid to WTO law and developments in other jurisdictions. The Association favours a multidisciplinary approach and pays attention to competition law, administrative law and criminal law subjects, as well as economic subjects. The Association aims to stimulate knowledge of competition law and to play an active part in the development of competition law. For that purpose the Association organises “5-7 meetings”, (afternoon) seminars and other meetings at an academic level. The Association also regularly consults with the Netherlands Competition Authority on legislation initiatives and other relevant developments.
The Association has more than 350 members. The Association’s members are university graduates in the legal profession, the academic world, trade and industry, and other organisations. Its members include both lawyers and economists.